Pioneering Dental Education for a Brighter Future
Our Programmes
At Sardar Begum Dental College, we offer comprehensive dental programmes designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of dentistry and deliver quality patient care.

Admission criterion
All candidates must meet the PMC requirements for admission in MBBS/ BDS. Brief details have been provided in this prospectus. Candidates are encouraged to review the PMC website ( for detailed information.
The Candidate who has passed the (F.Sc) Intermediate Science/ HSSC Examination ( pre medical Group) securing at least 65% marks in aggregate, unadjusted, from a Board of Higher Secondary Education. Shall be eligible to apply for admission in MBBS / BDS.
Any student seeking admission in any medical or dental college shall mandatorily be required to have passed the MDCAT examination held by Pakistan Medical Commission. The passing marks for the MDCAT examination shall be 60%.
A student having passed the MDCAT exam and obtained 65% or more in the F.Sc or equivalent exam shall be eligible for admission in a medical or dental college.
Merit List will be prepared as per PMC Admission regulation 2020-21.
Any students whose degree is not duly verified by the granting institution or credentials are found to be false or forged shall have the admission terminated with immediate effect. A student who is found to have forged their Higher Secondary School Certificate or F.Sc or equivalent examination certificate/degree or presented a false document shall be barred from applying to any medical or dental college in Pakistan in the future.
A student who does not pay the tuition fee within 3 working days of accepting the admission, the offer of admission shell be cancelled and the student shell retain no further right to the admission offered.
MDCAT Exemption Criteria for Foreign Students for 2020-2021.
In order to qualify for admission for the 2021 Session ONLY, SAT II results can be used instead of the MDCAT by students who have completed their HSSC programs from outside Pakistan, and where weightage of different subjects results in SAT II would be taken into consideration as follows:
1. Biology: 40%
2. Chemistry: 35%
3. Physics/Maths: 25%
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SAT I has not been conducted universally in 2020. Therefore, English shall be an exempted subject to those students who have completed their HSSC/High School program from an institution/country where the medium of teaching is English.
Interview for Admission session 2020-2021 in Gandhara University for its constituent institution Kabir Medical College for MBBS Program and Sardar Begum Dental College for BDS Program
In compliance of PMC Admission regulation {Admission) 2020-2021, Gandhara University will carry out its own interviews which shall have weightage of 20%. The Gandhara University will finalize the total aggregate of the applicants out of 100% for final merit of the student this aggregate will be used by the University for the purpose of Admission to its MBBS and BDS program for the session 2020-21.
For the purpose of preparing the final merit list the following weightage percentage will be used:
F.Sc pre-Medical or Equivalent exam: 30%
Interview conducted by the institution: 20%
The Admission 2020-2021 will be undertaken by the Gandhara University, for its constituent institutions (Kabir Medical College and Sardar Begum Dental College strictly on the cumulative as per National merit list.
The Interviews will be conducted by the institutional Admission interview Committee. The Committee comprises the following members.
Vice Chancellor of Gandhara University, Chairman
Principal Kabir Medical College, Member
Principal Sardar Begum Dental College, Member
One Professor, Kabir Medical College, Member
One Professor, Sardar Begum Dental College, Member
Finance and Planning Committee, Gandhara University, Member
Candidates are required to submit attested photocopies of the following documents with the application form.
- Matric Certificate & DMC/Equivalence from IBCC. in case of O-Level (One Copy)
- F.Sc. Premedical Certificate & DMC/Equivalence from I BCC. in case of A-Level (One Copy)
- CNIC / Computerize form-B of the applicant and CN IC of the Father/Guardian of the candidate. (One Copy)
- At the time of admission, the candidates are required to submit an under taking on judicial paper (as per specimen given in the prospectus) of Rs.100 duly attested by first class magistrate. (One Copy)
- Character certificate from the Head of the Institution most recently attended by the applicant. (One Copy)
- Coloured photographs. (Passport Size) (Four Copy)
- Domicile Certificate (Four Copy)
According to the Pakistan medical & Dental Council rules and regulation for admission in MBBS / BDS, the college will hold and aptitude interview and will give it an appropriate weightage for final selection.