Mastering the Art of Tooth Restoration and Preservation
Department of Operative Dentistry/ Endodntics
The Department of Operative Dentistry is well equipped to offer all dental procedures such as simple and complex tooth restorations, and various endodontic procedures to one and all. Students are provided with indispensable experience in all procedures, helping them hone their skills for future practice. The syllabus is divided into pre-clinical operative techniques and clinical operative techniques.The course is designed to develop the psychomotor skills of students for performing fundamental operations. Pre-clinical techniques are taught during the second year on Phantom Heads, for which the college has a Phantom Head laboratory. All clinical procedures are carried out on patients during final year and house job. This department regularly conducts Dental Health Education Programs that include seminars, lectures and visits to schools in the city to educate children and adults alike about the importance of Dental Hygiene and delivering instructions about maintaining good oral and dental health. The faculty is listed as follows