Shaping the Future of Dental Excellence
About Sardar Begum Dental College
Sardar Begum Dental College Peshawar (SBDC) provides opportunities of practical training in instructional strategy of learning through lectures, group tutorials, discussions, practical work in laboratories, fieldwork in community and libraries. SBDC has fully developed and well-equipped oral and Dental Hospital with modem facilities required for training of quality Dental graduates. This institute is recognized by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, Islamabad.
The College offers the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program extended over a period of four years, which conform to the requirements of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC). Students entering this program are required to have a minimum qualification of Higher Secondary School Certificate (Pre-Medical) at-least 60% marks unadjusted or equivalent. Annual intake is 75 students. Hostel facilities are also provided for boys and girls.

A Legacy of Dental Education and Innovation
Our History
Sardar Begum Dental College ( SBDC) was established by Late Surgeon Prof. Muhammad Kabir in October 1995 at the same time when he initiated Kabir Medical College KMC. Wide exposure to the health system at different levels through his 35 years of experience in the public sector gave him the insight of deficiencies in the system, some of which were not improvable due to political reasons. Surgeon M. Kabir had served on posts of Principal Khyber Medical College, in charge of Lady reading Hospital and Khyber Teaching Hospital, he also served as health secretary NWFP 1991-1993.
To Surgeon Kabir, good medical education, health system and primary education was the key to the bright future of Pakistan. He also noticed the keenness in the society for becoming a doctor and dentist. As secretory health he noticed the dedication of the students who were unsuccessful in getting into medical or dental colleges, these students as a trend went to Russian states and medical colleges in China. Despite the fact that the fate of these colleges was not sure in Pakistan the students studied there and following graduating struggled with the PMDC, which would not recognize their degrees.
These students not only wasted their energy in learning new languages to understand Medicine in a foreign countries but also spent a lot of money which was a loss to Pakistan as foreign exchange. This lateral thinking by the pioneer, brought the though of making a dental college which would be recognized by the Pakistan medical and dental council and the money spent by the students will still be less than what was to be spent in case of study abroad. The other benefit was that the students of Pakistan remained in their own mother land and got trained in the system they had future in. Those were the thoughts, hopes and the wishes in view of which Medical and Dental colleges were founded and today we see a new horizon for dental education in Khyber Pukhtonkhwa.
Guiding Our Purpose
Our Mission
Mission of Sardar Begum Dental College, Peshawar is to produce a graduate who shall;
- Contribute towards the development of society and nation through his/her skills in the Dental Education and Research.
- Be equip with knowledge, skills and attitudes necassory to understanding the factors that can affect the dental health of individuals and communities.
- Be able to enter Postgraduate training in any speciality of Dentistry.