Precision Imaging for Accurate Diagnosis
Department of Radiology
The radiology department provides an excellent means of radiological investigations all keeping in mind the safety of the doctors and paramedical staff in mind. The hospital has one X ray machine, one mobile X ray Unit, one Ultra sound machine with Doppler probe and probe for Obs and Gynea investigations, the department also helps with the orthopedic per op cases by means of C arm in the Theaters.
Patients are the reason for the department’s existence, and they are accorded the central role in our professional activities. We are first and foremost responsible to our patients. Our paramount mission is to provide competent, courteous, and compassionate clinical services which are of the highest quality. Clinical responsibilities to patients take precedence over all demands. In clinical work, we are guided by what is best for the patient; in education, by what is best for the student; and in research by what best serves truth and objectivity.
Our work is always shaped by the highest ethical principles. Because of our international reputation, we attract the best and the brightest students and fellows. In addition to our innovative curriculum for medical students, Our outstanding reputation is further reflected in our continuing education courses whose enrollment has grown exponentially each year.