Functions of Life Through Science and Innovation
Department of Physiology
The discipline of Physiology includes the study of living systems from sub-cellular and cellular levels to organs function and whole body behavior. It is the knowledge of human body function through an understanding of cells, organs and systems. The course covers the major organ system of the body function such as digestion, respiration, internal homeostasis, voluntary and involuntary motor control and energy balance. Practical coaching along with all necessary equipments for audiometer, electrocardiograph, spirometer, vitalograph, bicycle ergo meter, treadmill for practical coaching and demonstrations are present for the easy understanding of the concepts. These practical sessions in the laboratory complements information given in the classroom and tutorials. The use of state of the art audio- visual teaching aids and Internet helps the students of the latest advances in field of physiology and makes teaching more interactive.

Fostering Excellence
Advancing Physiology Education
The students are allotted topics for of presentations. The department providers an excellent environment for undergraduate studies attempting to integrate molecular, cellular and organ system physiology. strong interdisciplinary approach, focuses on developing and delivering quality postgraduate programs.