Building Foundations in Molecular Science and Innovation
Department of Biochemistry
The science of Biochemistry is fundamental to the understanding of relationships between structure and function in life, it deals with the chemical processes that take place in the living organisms. It holds a key position in the curricula of medical colleges and is one of the basic principal science subjects for first professional medical students. It begins with an introduction to the principles of the science and the structure and function of the various chemical elements that constitute living cells.

Bridging Medicine and Pathology
Biochemical Learning
A sound and comprehensive learning of Biochemistry helps a medical student to understand Medicine and Pathology clearly. It also studies the structure, cellular components and their biomedical importance in macro & micronutrients, Enzymes and hormones. Biochemistry brings innovations in medical sciences because it deals with chemistry of internal processes. Practical exercises in the laboratory form an essential mode of instruction. They are designed to illustrate concepts discussed in the classroom and to introduce methods of biochemical analysis by various techniques used for separation, identification, and measurement of bimolecular relevance to clinical sciences. Biochemistry has revolutionized the field of modern medicine, molecular biology and genetics.