Afsha Awal Khan
Farkhanda Institute of Nursing
Principal’s Message
According to world health organization statistical fact sheet (2022) nursing is the largest occupational group in the health sector, accounting for approximately 59% of the health professions. To achieve sustainable millennium development goals of health and wellbeing till 2030, all nations of the world need to increase their nursing student’s enrollment in institution by 10% per annum in order to compensate the current shortage of nine million nurses. Nurses’ role is vital in national and global targets related to a range of health priorities, including universal health coverage, emergency preparedness & response, mental health communicable and non-communicable diseases, patient safety and integrated people centered care.
Farkhanda Institute of nursing and public health (FIN&PH) a constituent part of Gandhara University Peshawar Preparing nurses from the last 25 years. The impact of our college in the province and in the country is very bright. We have been preparing and training our graduates to assume the future role of nursing care provider, Nurse educator, Advance nurse practitioner, Nurse administrator & leader, and Nurse Researcher.
I welcome you to this prestigious institution and wishing you the best for every step in your journey towards achieving higher professional goals in your life.