Empowering Future Healthcare Leaders
About Farkhanda Institute of Nursing
Farkhanda Institute of Nursing and Public Health (FIN & PH) Peshawar the first private nursing institute established in 1998. Since then, the organization is offering nursing and public health education both for male and female students based on fairness and quality standards. FIN & PH is the constituent institute of Gandhara university and recognized by HEC, PNC, and NEB KPK.

A Legacy of Excellence in Nursing Education
Our History
Farkhanda Institute of Nursing was established in 1997 to meet the growing requirement of nurses in the health sector, the aim was also to give a support to the women of the society who can traditionally not contribute to the society. The population of Pakistan is composed of 53% women and most of them after starting their family life are not allowed to work. The main objectives of this institute are: To provide training to those students who could not pursue their studies due to financial constraints. Increase the skilled human resources, providing an earning hand to the poor families and to strengthen the government's efforts in meeting the acute shortage of nurses in the country.
Our Mission
Farkhanda Institute of Nursing and Public Health a constituent institution of Gandhara University is dedicated to promote health and well-being through excellence in nursing education, research, practice and service while fostering diversity and inclusion.
Our Vision
To become nationally and internationally recognized educational institution that contributes towards the development of the society and the nation through its conducive environment and excellence in education and research.